i created procedure for each db types that supported by my application. and added into their migration files.
i can call stored procedure MSSQL like this two type in my code first app one
worker.StoredProcedures.ExecuteWithStoreProcedure("sp_userVirman @ResourceUserID,@targetUserID",
new SqlParameter("ResourceUserID",DbType.Int64) { Value = 1 },
new SqlParameter("targetUserID", DbType.Int64) { Value = 2 });
worker.StoredProcedures.ExecuteWithStoreProcedure(string.Format("sp_userVirman {0},{1}", 1, 2));
but when the db provider change to mysql, it gives error.
An unhandled exception of type 'MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException' occurred in EntityFramework.dll Additional information: Only MySqlParameter objects may be stored
and also providers can change oracle postgresql mysql etc.
how can solve this problem?
i dont want to use if provider== mssql if provider==mysql etc...
this is my main function
public void ExecuteWithStoreProcedure(string query, params object[] parameters)
_dbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(query, parameters);
this is the best use I can find. there is no way without switch case or if else
public void sp_uservirman(Nullable<int> resourceUserID, Nullable<int> targetUserID)
switch (GlobalData.CustomerDataSourceType)
case ContextFactory.DataSourceTypes.None:
case ContextFactory.DataSourceTypes.MSSQL:
SqlParameter param= new SqlParameter("@resourceuserıd",resourceUserID);
SqlParameter param1= new SqlParameter("@targetUserID",targetUserID);
_dbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("sp_uservirman @resourceuserıd,@targetUserID", param, param1);
case ContextFactory.DataSourceTypes.MySQL:
MySqlParameter param3 = new MySqlParameter("@resourceuserıd", resourceUserID);
MySqlParameter param4 = new MySqlParameter("@targetUserID", targetUserID);
_dbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("CALL sp_uservirman (@resourceuserıd,@targetUserID)", param3, param4);
case ContextFactory.DataSourceTypes.ORACLE:
string query = string.Format("BEGIN SP_USERVIRMAN ({0},{1}) ; END;", resourceUserID, targetUserID);
worker.StoredProcedures.sp_uservirman(1, 2);