I want to pass Json array with no name inside Retrofit body but I am getting 400 error.I would like to pass this json array with no name via pojo.Below is the json array that I want to pass.Also I am using PATCH method for this.
"op": "replace",
"path": "/billing_address/line1",
"value": "some other value"}]
I am using following method and in this method I am getting the same response in logcat for list that I wanted but after passing it inside getAuthentionToken I am getting 400 error.
Call<JSONResponse> getAuthentionToken(@Body List obj);
JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject();
jobj.put("value","some other value");
List arrlist = new ArrayList();
apiInterface.getAuthentionToken(arrlist).enqueue(new Callback<JSONResponse>() {
Below is the right answer for me and its work fine.
public class CardUpdate {
public String op;
public String path;
public String value;
public CardUpdate(String op, String path, String value) {
this.op = op;
this.path = path;
this.value = value;
public String getOp() {
return op;
public void setOp(String op) {
this.op = op;
public String getPath() {
return path;
public void setPath(String path) {
this.path = path;
public String getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String toString() {
/*return "CardUpdate{" +
"op='" + op + '\'' +
", path='" + path + '\'' +
", value='" + value + '\'' +
return "{" +'"'+
"op" + '"'+":" +'"' +op + '"'+
"," + '"'+"path" + '"'+":" + '"'+ path + '"'+
"," + '"'+"value" + '"'+":" + '"'+ value + '"'+
CardUpdate updatt = new CardUpdate("replace","/billing_address/line1","some other value");
List<CardUpdate> cardddd = new ArrayList<CardUpdate>();