Search code examples

goquery: stop parsing when another element is reached

Suppose I have this HTML page. I want to parse it using Go and goquery:

    <head><!--Page header stuff--></head>
         <h1 class="h1-class">Heading 1</h1>
             <div class="div-class">Stuff1</div>
             <div class="div-class">Stuff2</div>
         <h1 class="h1-class">Heading 2</h1>
             <div class="div-class">Stuff3</div>
             <div class="div-class">Stuff4</div>

As it happens, I'd like only to get those DIVs before Heading 2 and skip the rest. This code works great to get all DIVs:

 doc := GetGoQueryDocument(url) //Defined elsewhere
 doc.Find("div.div-class").Each(func(_ int, theDiv *goquery.Selection){
     //do stuff with each theDiv
     //The problem is that it finds div.div-class elements below Heading 2.
     //I want to skip those.

Is there any way to tell goquery to skip elements located beneath a certain tag and classname? Thanks for any tips!


  • Yes, actually pretty easy:


    I would recommend you read through the godoc:

    It explains all of the different ways you can manipulate the selection.