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Looping through records for different 'consumers' to return number of days between dates

I have been looking through the questions around looping through records but have been unable to find anything that could solve my problem

So I have a table of consumer entries into a campaign. The profile_id is specific to a consumer, here we have two consumers. We see the campaign they entered and the date of entry, with a count telling us which entry it is (chronologically)

profile_id    campaign   create_date    entry      
74704338      2320        28-07-2015      1
74704338      2388        28-01-2016      2
74704338      2464        29-04-2016      3
74704338      2476        03-05-2016      4
74704338      2505        25-05-2016      5
81990916      2320        05-11-2015      1
81990916      2388        22-01-2016      2
81990916      2464        28-04-2016      3
81990916      2467        28-04-2016      4
81990916      2434        02-05-2016      5

What I want to do is run through each record for each profile (consumer) and get the max. no of days between the n and the n+1 entry, and the campaign associated with it.

So for profile_id 74704338 we should get the following as the days between 1 and 2 is the largest in the sequence, and campaign 2388 was the campaign they entered after this time elapsed

profile_id    campaign   num_days
74704338      2388       184

Similarly for 81990916 we should get

profile_id    campaign   num_days
81990916      2464       97

I presume I will be using a declare statement to do this, but have no idea where to start. Would appreciate your help

Many thanks


  • Analytic functions were created just for this kind of exercises. First we compute the differences (using the lag() function), then the maximum difference within each "partition" by profile_id, and then in the last (outermost) query we select the rows where the difference equals the maximum.

    I wrote this using syntax from Oracle 11.2 and above; for earlier versions, it can be rewritten by creating the column aliases inside the subquery definitions (instead of in their declarations).

         test_data ( profile_id, campaign, create_date ) as (      
           select 74704338, 2320, to_date('28-07-2015', 'dd-mm-yyyy') from dual union all
           select 74704338, 2388, to_date('28-01-2016', 'dd-mm-yyyy') from dual union all
           select 74704338, 2464, to_date('29-04-2016', 'dd-mm-yyyy') from dual union all
           select 74704338, 2476, to_date('03-05-2016', 'dd-mm-yyyy') from dual union all
           select 74704338, 2505, to_date('25-05-2016', 'dd-mm-yyyy') from dual union all
           select 81990916, 2320, to_date('05-11-2015', 'dd-mm-yyyy') from dual union all
           select 81990916, 2388, to_date('22-01-2016', 'dd-mm-yyyy') from dual union all
           select 81990916, 2464, to_date('28-04-2016', 'dd-mm-yyyy') from dual union all
           select 81990916, 2467, to_date('28-04-2016', 'dd-mm-yyyy') from dual union all
           select 81990916, 2434, to_date('02-05-2016', 'dd-mm-yyyy') from dual
         diffs ( profile_id, campaign, create_date, diff ) as (
           select profile_id, campaign, create_date,
                  create_date - lag(create_date) over (partition by profile_id 
                                                       order by create_date)
           from   test_data
         with_max ( profile_id, campaign, create_date, diff, max_diff ) as (
           select profile_id, campaign, create_date, diff,
                  max(diff) over (partition by profile_id)
           from   diffs
    select profile_id, campaign, create_date, diff
    from   with_max
    where  diff = max_diff
    ---------- --------- ----------- -----
      74704338      2388 28-01-2016    184
      81990916      2464 28-04-2016     97
    2 rows selected.