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Create class and auto-initialize dependencies with FakeItEasy

Is it possible to create a class under test with FakeItEasy, where all dependencies that are declared in the constructor are initialized automatically with fakes?

Imagine the class:

public class Inserting
    public Inserting(
        ITransactionService transactionService,
        ISharedData sharedData)
        TransactionService = transactionService;
        SharedData = sharedData;

    public ITransactionService TransactionService { get; }

    public ISharedData SharedData { get; }

    public void Enter()

Then I am creating all fake-objects in the test setup and construct my class under test with those fakes:

public class InsertingTest
    private Inserting _inserting;
    private ISharedData _fakeSharedData;
    private ITransactionService _fakeTransactionService;        

    public void SetUp()
        _fakeTransactionService = A.Fake<ITransactionService>();
        _fakeSharedData = A.Fake<ISharedData>();

        _inserting = new Inserting(_fakeTransactionService, _fakeSharedData);

    public void TestEnter()
        // Arrange

        // Act

        // Assert
        A.CallTo(() => _fakeTransactionService.StartTransaction().MustHaveHappened();

But I saw in the Java-world, that when using Mockito and Dagger 2, you can do something like this:

public class PhoneDialer {
    private Activity activity;
    private PhoneCallListener phoneCallListener;

    public PhoneDialer(Activity activity, PhoneCallListener phoneCallListener) {
        this.activity = activity;
        this.phoneCallListener = phoneCallListener;

public class PhoneDialerTest {
    public MockitoRule mockitoRule = MockitoJUnit.rule();

    PhoneCallListener phoneCallListener;

    Activity activity;

    PhoneDialer dialer;

    public void test_dialer() throws Exception {
        // Arrange

        // Act

        // Assert
        Mockito.verify(phoneCallListener, times(1)).startCall();

and the mocked classes are initialized automatically with fakes. Is there an equivalent procedure or function in C# with FakeItEasy?


  • I think you want something like Automatically inject fakes in test fixture with FakeItEasy. You use [Fake] to mark fakes to inject and [UnderTest] to mark the production type to test.

    We really should put this into the documentation.
