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How to mix select and delete in a Slick transaction

Why does it not work to combine a SELECT and a DELETE statement in a Slick query? as in:

 val query = (for {
     item <- SomeTable
     _ <- OtherTable.filter( ===
 } yield ()).transactionally

"Cannot resolve symbol 'transactionally'"

(without .transactionally, it is a Query[Nothing, Nothing, Seq], if that helps) while the two actions work separately:

 val query = (for {
     item <- SomeTable
 } yield ()).transactionally


 val query = (for {
     _ <- OtherTable.filter( === 2).delete
 } yield ()).transactionally


  • OK so this is a classic example of mixing DBIO with Query.

    In your first case:

    val query = (for {
         item <- SomeTable // this is `Query`
         _ <- OtherTable.filter( === // this is `DBIO`
     } yield ()).transactionally

    Obviously for DML you can use only actions (Query is for DQL - being simply SELECT).

    So first thing is - change your code to use only DBIOs. Below example is incorrect.

    val query = (for {
         item <- SomeTable.result // this is `DBIO` now
         _ <- OtherTable.filter( === // but this won't work !!
     } yield ()).transactionally

    OK, we are nearly there - the problem is that it doesn't compile. What you need to do is to be aware that now this part:

    item <- SomeTable.result

    returns Seq of your SomeTable case class (which among other things contains your id).

    So let's take into account:

    val query = (for {
         items <- SomeTable.result // I changed the name to `items` to reflect it's plural nature
         _ <- OtherTable.filter( // I needed to change it to generate `IN` query
     } yield ()).transactionally