I'm currently looking for the opposite of the function intersect
Let me explain with some queries :
the first one return a list of @rid
The seconde one retun a list of @rid
The third one return a list of @rid which are in the first and in the second one
-> I'm looking for the query that return a list of @rid which are in the first but not in the second
SELECT in("Regroupe").in("Obligatoire").out("Pertinent") FROM 89:50
-> #69:110 #62:19 #60:1 #59:38 #62:114
SELECT out("Pertinent") FROM 89:50
-> #69:110 #62:19 #60:1
SELECT intersect(in("Regroupe").in("Obligatoire").out("Pertinent"), out("Pertinent")) FROM #89:50
-> #62:19 #60:1 #69:110
I'm looking for this query :
SELECT except/difference(in("Regroupe").in("Obligatoire").out("Pertinent"), out("Pertinent")) FROM #89:50
-> #59:38 #62:114
Ok i find what was missing !
I have to compare on @rid :
SELECT difference(in("Regroupe").in("Obligatoire").out("Pertinent").@rid, out("Pertinent").@rid) FROM #89:50