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XMPP: How to parse XMPPMessage element

I'm getting the following xml format for every message coming from xmpp

- (void)xmppStream:(XMPPStream *)sender didReceiveMessage:(XMPPMessage *)message
 NSLog(@"Message %@",message);        

In console its printing

    xmlns="jabber:client" from="" to="">
        xmlns="urn:xmpp:mam:tmp" id="1483781596098940">
                xmlns="jabber:client" from="" to="" type="chat">
                    xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay" from="" stamp="2016-12-22T04:50:17.023Z">Offline Storage
                xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay" from="" stamp="2017-01-07T09:33:16.099Z">

I want to fetch "from", "to", "body", and "stamp" from every message and i did the following

NSXMLElement *body = message;
    NSXMLElement *messageb  = [body elementForName:@"result" xmlns:@"urn:xmpp:mam:tmp"];
    NSXMLElement *forwa=[messageb elementForName:@"forwarded" xmlns:@"urn:xmpp:forward:0"];
    NSXMLElement *msg=[forwa elementForName:@"message" xmlns:@"jabber:client"];
    NSXMLElement *TD=[forwa elementForName:@"delay" xmlns:@"urn:xmpp:delay"];

    NSString *from=[[msg elementForName:@"from" xmlns:@"jabber:client"] stringValue];
    NSString *to=[[msg elementForName:@"to" xmlns:@"jabber:client"] stringValue];
    NSString *bodyq=[[msg elementForName:@"body"] stringValue];
    NSString *stmp=[[TD elementForName:@"stamp" xmlns:@"urn:xmpp:delay"] stringValue];
    NSString *final=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"From: %@\nTo: %@\nBody: %@\nStamp: %@",from,to,bodyq,stmp];
    NSLog(@"forwa %@", final);

I can able to print only the message body and the log prints like

From: (null)
To: (null)
Body: hi
Stamp: (null)


  • Fix to search for attributes: elements are the nodes (like Body, Result etc.) while others are just attributes of previous elements.

    NSString *from=[[msg attributeForName:@"from"] stringValue];
        NSString *to=[[msg attributeForName:@"to"] stringValue];
        NSString *stmp=[[TD attributeForName:@"stamp"] stringValue];

    Edited (sorry, my last work with ObjectiveC it's really old).

    xml namespace it's about element and not attributes.

    If you didn't get again, try passing by NSXMLNode

    NSXMLNode *fromNode = [msg attributeForName:@"from"];
    NSString *from = [fromNode stringValue];