Search code examples

Duplication in serial number while generating tickets

I'm trying to generate barcode tickets after successful booking and it's working fine. But yesterday (06-Jan-2017) night at 11.59 pm, one customer booked 2 tickets but the ticket was duplicate. Tthat is both tickets was 1. Actually it should be 2. But the next customer's tickets was correct, it's 3,4,5. Is there any mistake in the code below where the tickets get generated?

for($j=1;$j<=$cat_array[$i];$j++) {
  $sel_max_dt =  mysql_query("select MAX(DT) AS maxdt, MAX(REC_NO) AS maxrec FROM  tkt_barcode");
  //to select max date and max rec no.
  $row_max_dt = mysql_fetch_array($sel_max_dt);
  $dt_max = $row_max_dt['maxdt'];
  //$no_max = $row_max_dt['maxno'];
  $recno = $row_max_dt['maxrec'];
  if($dt_max ==  date("Y-m-d") && $recno == $TxnID) {
    //if same date and same bkid  barcode slno continues.
    $sel_no = mysql_query("select MAX(BARCODE_SLNO) AS maxno FROM  tkt_barcode WHERE REC_NO=".$TxnID);
    $row_sel_no = mysql_fetch_array($sel_no);   
    $tkt_slno = $row_sel_no['maxno'];
    $tkt_slno = $tkt_slno + 1;
  if($dt_max ==  date("Y-m-d")&& $recno != $TxnID) {
    //if same date and different bkid  barcode slno continues.
    $sel_no = mysql_query("select MAX(BARCODE_SLNO) AS maxno FROM  tkt_barcode WHERE DT='$dt_max' ");
    $row_sel_no = mysql_fetch_array($sel_no);   
    $tkt_slno = $row_sel_no['maxno'];
    $tkt_slno = $tkt_slno + 1;
  if($dt_max != date("Y-m-d") && $recno != $TxnID) {
    //if not same date start barcode slno from 1.
    $tkt_slno = 1;
  $sel_sl_no = mysql_query("select MAX(SL_NO) AS slno FROM  tkt_barcode WHERE REC_NO=".$TxnID);
  $row_slno = mysql_fetch_array($sel_sl_no);
  $slno = $row_slno['slno'];
  $bartkt_slno = $slno + 1;
  if($i==1 && $j>$count_promo_adult && $arr_edit["PROMO_CODE"]!=""){
    //adult cat and total adult count > total promo adult count
    $disc_adult = $adult_amt;
    $discamt=$adult_amt - $disc_adult ; //  discount amt
    $rate=$adult_amt;  //normal rate
    $net_amt=$disc_adult; //discount rate
    $pro_cd ="";
    //promo code is null when total adult count > total promo adult count
   } //end if
  //string pading digits 
  $len_txn =strlen($TxnID); // bookid length 
  $pad = 6; //str_pad digits
  if($len_txn > 5) {
    if($len_txn==6) { $pad = $pad-1;}// if 6 digit
    if($len_txn==7){ $pad = $pad-2;}// if 7 digit
  $fullbar = $TxnID.str_pad($tkt_slno, $pad, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT).$clnd_date.$counter_no;
  //barcode no
  $values = "'$tkt_slno','$booked_date','$fin_year','$counter_no','$branch','$TxnID','$fullbar','$cat_name_tkt','$i','$rate','$discamt','$bartkt_slno','$net_amt','$j','$count','$cat_tot','$type_day','$date_check','$pro_cd','$tax_each','$ser_tax_each','$conv_base','$conv_tax'";
  $sql_tkt = $objA->insert_fields(TABLEPREFIX.'tkt_barcode',$fields,$values);
}//end for loop


  • Finally I found the solution by adding another condition given below.

    if($dt_max !=  date("Y-m-d")&& $recno == $TxnID) {
    //if different date and same bkid  barcode slno continues.
    $sel_no = mysql_query("select MAX(BARCODE_SLNO) AS maxno FROM  tkt_barcode WHERE DT='$dt_max' ");
    $row_sel_no = mysql_fetch_array($sel_no);   
    $tkt_slno = $row_sel_no['maxno'];
    $tkt_slno = $tkt_slno + 1;

    Thanks guys for the help. I will try to make my code more readable next time. :)