Sorry if the question is stupid, I'm pretty new to Symfony. After installation the bundle fillowing the oficial documentation I'm getting an error:
Fatal error: Uncaught Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\ClassNotFoundException: Attempted to load class "ApplicationSonataNotificationBundle" from namespace "Application\Sonata\NotificationBundle". Did you forget a "use" statement for another namespace? in C:\OpenServer\domains\tdserebro\app\AppKernel.php:41
The line AppKernel.php#41 is:
new Application\Sonata\NotificationBundle\ApplicationSonataNotificationBundle(),
What does that want me to "use"? There wasn't anything like that in the documentation. In case that is important, the class itself stored in app\Application\Sonata\NotificationBundle\ directory(as default). Symfony version is 2.8
The default autoload configuration expects your class Application\Sonata\NotificationBundle
to be in src/Application/Sonata/NotificationBundle/ not under app/.
Either reconfigure your autoloader (you can do that in composer.json), or move your files under src/.