Ok so I have dynamically created Images. the images are random. what i want to do is to identify what is the string name of the img because i want to compare the string name to something i created dynamically as well. this must be implemented on while on the onTouch. is this possible thanks
I hope i was descriptive enough.
my codes below
Random rQuestion = new Random();
int iQues = rQuestion.nextInt(numQues - 1)+1;
corrImg = corrAnsIMPID[iQues]; //selectedImg has the string I want to compare
ArrayList<String> quesList = new ArrayList<>();
quesList.add(myShuffledArray[rQuestion.nextInt(numQues - 1) + 1]);
quesList.add(myShuffledArray[rQuestion.nextInt(numQues - 1) + 1]);
quesList.add(myShuffledArray[rQuestion.nextInt(numQues - 1) + 1]);
String[] ranQues = new String[quesList.size()];
ranQues = quesList.toArray(ranQues);
for(String s : ranQues); //contains the 4 string name of the img
//set 4 imgs
ImageView newView1 = new ImageView(this);
int id1 = getResources().getIdentifier(ranQues[0], "drawable", getPackageName());
//...repeated 4 times
public boolean onTouch (View v, MotionEvent ev)
if (mLongClickStartsDrag) return false;
boolean handledHere = false;
final int action = ev.getAction();
// In the situation where a long click is not needed to initiate a drag, simply start on the down event.
if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
handledHere = startDrag (v);
if (v != selectedImg mSpot2.setDragLayer (null); //I want to compare if the selected img = corrImg. this would activate/deactivate the drop zone
You can get the name of the resource
from its id.
String name = context.getResources().getResourceEntryName(imageResID);
Get The resource id from the imageview
first set a tag
then retrieve from that tag
int resourceID = (int) imageView.getTag();