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How to access data outside the Alamofire block using swift 3.0

I've just started 'Alamofire' for JSON parsing. Now I'm facing some problem which are as follow:

Problem Statement : Unable to access data outside the Alamofire block.

Coding Stuff :

import UIKit

import Alamofire

    class ViewController: UIViewController
        var dataValue = String()
        override func viewDidLoad()
            Alamofire.request("url") .responseJSON 
            { response in

                dataValue = response.result.value
                print(dataValue) // It prints value
            print(dataValue) //It does not print any thing or nil.



  •  var dataValue = String()
     override func viewDidLoad()
       Alamofire.request("url") .responseJSON 
      { response in
         dataValue = response.result.value
         self.myFunction(str: dataValue)
     func myFunction(str: String)
        print("str value ====%@",str)