I am integrating ccavenue and I have to send order data to the ccavenue_request_handler_view but that view is not loading for some reason...
I dont't know what is causing the error. Right now I have only displayed an h1 tag in that view file, which is also not working.
//order.php controller
$grand_total = 0;
$order_id = now();
$ccavenue_send_data = array();
if ($cart = $this->cart->contents())
$cart_item = $this->cart->total_items();
foreach ($cart as $cart_item)
$quantity = $cart_item['qty'];
$item_price = $cart_item['price'];
$total = $item_price*$quantity;
$shipping_cost = $this->get_shipping_cost($itemid,$quantity);
$pay_amount = $total+$shipping_cost;
$grand_total += $pay_amount;
if($cart_item > 1)
$order_data = array(
'order_id' => $order_id,
'email' => $Email,
'customer_type' => $customer_type,
'payment_id' => $payment_id,
'payment_method' => $payment_method,
'address_id' => $add_id,
'order_type' => $order_type,
'order_group' => 0,
'order_status' => "processing",
'active' => 0,
'return_id' => 0,
'coupon_id' => $Coupon,
'coupon_discount' => $coupon_discount ,
'total_amount' => $total,
'pay_amount' => $pay_amount,
'shipping_date' => "2017-12-28 06:12:10",
'item_id' => $itemid,
'item_quantity' => $quantity,
'shipping_charge' => $shipping_cost,
'order_modified' => $Contact
$ccavenue_send_data = array(
'tid' => $order_id,
'merchant_id' => 'xxxxx',
'order_id' => $order_id,
'amount' => $grand_total,
'currency' => 'INR',
'redirect_url' => base_url().'index.php/Order/return_from_ccavenue',
'cancel_url' => base_url().'index.php/Order/cancel_from_ccavenue',
'language' => 'EN',
'billing_name' => $Fname,
'billing_address' => $Address1.'&&'.$Address2,
'billing_city' => $City,
'billing_state' => 'Gujarat',
'billing_zip' => $Zip,
'billing_country' => 'India',
'billing_tel' => $Contact,
'billing_email' => $Email,
'delivery_name' => $Fname,
'delivery_address' => $Address1.'&&'.$Address2,
'delivery_city' => $City,
'delivery_state' => 'Gujarat',
'delivery_zip' => $Zip,
'delivery_country' => 'India',
'delivery_tel' => $Contact,
'promo_code' => $Coupon
//$data['ccav_request_data'] = $ccavenue_send_data ;
// $this->load->view('ccavRequestHandler_view',$data); --> loading view is not working so i tried redirect method by storing data in session which is not working too
this is where it will be redirected if that works...
function ccavenue_request_handler()
$data['post_data'] = $this->session->userdata('ccavenue_send_data');
in codeigniter you have to redirect routes manually it should not be like this redirect('home','refresh');
it should be like this -if you configure your base_url it can go like this- redirect(base_url()."order/ccavenue_request_handler");
or if the base_url is not configured redirect('http://yourprojectname/order/ccavenue_request_handler');