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Cannot detect file existing or not

In a program I am improving, I noticed that Fortran does not detect file existing or not. This led to a logic error which has not been fixed. I highly appreciate if you could point out the problems or errors and give me your corrections.

  open(unit=nhist,file=history,iostat=ierr)!This setting cannot exit program if file does not exist because ierr is always 0
  if (ierr /=0) then
   write(*,*)'!!! error#',ierr,'- Dump file not found'

  !I used below statement, the program exits even though a file is existing
   700 ierr=-1
       if (ierr /=0) then
       write(*,*)'!!! error#',ierr,'- Dump file not found'


  • There are two distinct problems here. Let's look at them separately.

    First, consider


    The comment suggests that ierr is always set to zero. Well, why shouldn't it be set to zero? ierr should be non-zero in the case the case of an error, but is the file not existing an error?

    Not necessarily. In the absence of a status= specifier the default status='unknown' is taken. The compiler doesn't have to (and is unlikely to) treat opening in this case as an error if the file doesn't exist. It's likely to create it as needed on a write, or complain when trying to read.

    Adding status='old' to the open statement is the usual way of saying "the file should exist".

    Second, consider

       700 ierr=-1
           if (ierr /=0) then

    If there's an error here, execution is transferred to the statement labelled 700. From this statement ierr is set to a non-zero value and off we go to the if construct to handle that error.

    It's just that the statement labelled 700 also happens to be executed even without an error: it's simply the next statement after the open and there's no branch to miss it. [I could give an example of such branching, but I don't want to encourage use of err= in modern code. With the working iostat= things are far preferable.]

    But if you just wish to test the existence of a file, consider inquire-by-file:

    logical itexists
    inquire (file=history, exist=itexists)
    if (.not.itexists) error stop "No file :("

    Some would argue this is even better than having status='old' in an open statement.