This index.html view:
<title> {}</title>
<h1> {} <h1>
I have the following collection (with embedded attributes) which I have instered in my MongoDB:
def create(self)
client = MongoClient()
db = client.database_name
result = db.users.insert_one({
"email": "",
"company": {
"name": "ABC Company"
After that I have stored these values using the namedtuple builtin function:
from collections import namedtuple
client = MongoClient()
db = client.database1
cursor = db.users.find({"":"ABC Company"})
company = namedtuple('company ', 'name')
document = namedtuple('document ', 'email, company')
for row in cursor:
result = document(row["email"], company(row["company"]["name"]))
I would now like to pass these fields to my html index view file respecting the dot notation I created using the namedtuple function:
template = open("index.html").read()
return template.format(**????**)
How should pass the variables inside the format() function?
Comments: I'm using Python 2.7 version and MongoDB. I'm using cherryPy as HTTP server. I'm neither using an ORM nor a template engine.
I've passed it to the view, like an object:
return template.format(result=result)