I've been searching around on the Crispy Forms documentation as well as general web searching for an answer to this.
Can Crispy Forms output <optgroup>
's within a ChoiceField using the forms.Select widget? Or must I take the data into the context and build the form out the old fashioned way in the template?
USER_GENERATED_TEMPLATES = MessageTemplate.objects.filter(Q(client=client_id) | Q(client=None) & Q(user_generated=True))
DEFAULT_TEMPLATES = MessageTemplate.objects.filter(Q(client=client_id) | Q(client=None) & Q(user_generated=False))
# Set the initial TEMPLATE CHOICES list to include the Default Templates choice object
TEMPLATE_CHOICES = [('Default Templates',([[template.id, template.name] for template in DEFAULT_TEMPLATES]))]
# If there are user generated templates, append the TEMPLATE_CHOICES list to include them
TEMPLATE_CHOICES.append(('Saved Templates',([[template.id, template.name] for template in USER_GENERATED_TEMPLATES])))
# Set the 'template' form field to a ChoiceField using the Select widget populated by the TEMPLATE_CHOICES list.
self.fields['template'] = forms.ChoiceField(widget = forms.Select(), choices=TEMPLATE_CHOICES)