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docker > run two nodejs scripts using gulp and nodemon

I'm trying whole day to find some solution how to run two scripts written in nodejs parallel in docker.

I've two files: app/index.js - express app using port 8080 app/rabbit.js - script is connection to rabbitmq only as consumer and processing messages

I'm trying to use gulp and nodemon ( I've found solution on the stackoverflow, but id doesn't work )

var gulp = require('gulp')
var gulputil = require('gulp-util');
var child_process = require('child_process');
var nodemon = require('gulp-nodemon');

var processes = {server1: null, server2: null};

gulp.task('start:server', function (cb) {

processes.server1 = nodemon({
    script: "app/index.js",
    ext: "js"

processes.server2 = nodemon({
    script: "app/rabbit.js",
    ext: "js"

cb(); // For parallel execution accept a callback.
      // For further info see "Async task support" section here:

process.on('exit', function () {
 // In case the gulp process is closed (e.g. by pressing [CTRL + C]) stop    both processes

gulp.task('run', ['start:server']);
gulp.task('default', ['run']);

This is always runs second script "app/rabbit.js" twice. I'm open to any solution, but I need to run two nodejs script at once in one docker instance.

Any Ideas? Thanks in advance!


  • For anyone who will have same problem, I've found solution.

    Step 1:

    Create two docker files Dockerfile-api, Dockerfile-messages
    As command RUN in the dockerfile use
      a. CMD ["npm", "run", "start-api"]
      b. CMD ["npm", "run", "start-messages"]

    Step 2:

    In the package.json add lines:
     "scripts": {     
       "start-api": "gulp --gulpfile app/gulpfile-api.js",
       "start-messages": "gulp --gulpfile app/gulpfile-messages.js"

    Step 3:

    Obviously create two gulp files, each gulp file will have his own script.

    Step 4:

    Create two services in docker-compose.yml file each witch different DockerFile

    Step 5:

    Run docker-compose up