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Data fetching taking so much time in orientdb

In Orientdb when I am running queries on Server for 100000 records and i have to fetch some thousands records,it's taking so much time . in my case to fetch 600 records, 6 minutes taken by orientdb. please suggest me what am i doing wrong with my queries. Select From Complaint_Detail where Complaint_ID in(Select Complaint_Id from Complaint where State='CA') limit 100 for the above query it takes 48 sec. please help me to find solution


    1. Do you have an index against Complaint.State? In this way the lookup is much faster.
    2. You're using OrientDB as a Relational DBMS, while you should create a link to the records instead of storing the IDs.In this case if you create a property details as a set of links to the Complaint_Detail class, the query would be much easier to write and fast select expand(details) from Complaint where State='CA'