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Count post in laravel default dashboard

I've used auth scaffold to create login and auth system for my site. I want to count the post and show it in the dashboard. But in LoginController.php and RegisterController.php there is just one line code protected $redirectTo = '/home'; to return view. How do i count post and show it in the dashboard.


  • Thanks to everyone who tried to help me out.

    I found that when we use laravel auth scaffolding laravel uses use AuthenticatesUsers; in LoginController.php and use RegistersUsers; in RegisterController.php which is known as trait. And both trait use another trait RedeirectUsers.php to redirect or show view after we login or register a new user. It would not be a nice idea messing up those files.But instead I used balde injection method in dashboard.blade.php

    @inject('posts','App\Post') //place it in top of dashboard.blade.php

    No need to make extra view,models & controller to pass data to dashboard