This is what is on my x axis on Flot. The below are not typos, it's duplicates dates in proper format, but just plain wrong.
E.g. 1262188800.0 == 12/31/2009
Why is Flot doing this?
1970/01/15 1970/01/15 1970/01/16 1970/01/16 1970/01/16 1970/01/16 1970/01/16
let dataset = [
label: "Mean",
data: data_ts["mean_1"],
points: { fillColor: "#FF0000", show: true },
lines: { show: true }
label: "Var",
data: data_ts["var_1"],
points: { fillColor: "#FF0000", show: true },
lines: { show: true }
let options = {
grid: { hoverable: true, clickable: true },
xaxis: { mode: "time",
timeformat: "%Y/%m/%d"
this.plot = $.plot($("#placeholder_ts"),dataset,options);
data_ts = { "mean_1": [
[1262188800.0, 500],
[1264867200.0, 500],
[1267286400.0, 500],
[1269964800.0, 492],
[1272556800.0, 484],
[1275235200.0, 484],
[1277827200.0, 477],
[1280505600.0, 477],
[1283184000.0, 470],
[1285776000.0, 475],
[1288454400.0, 471],
[1291046400.0, 480],
[1293724800.0, 480],
[1296403200.0, 489],
[1298822400.0, 489],
[1301500800.0, 489],
[1304092800.0, 490],
[1306771200.0, 500],
[1309363200.0, 500],
[1312041600.0, 500],
[1314720000.0, 500],
[1317312000.0, 490],
[1319990400.0, 484],
[1322582400.0, 492],
[1325260800.0, 492],
[1327939200.0, 488],
[1330444800.0, 498],
[1333123200.0, 498],
[1335715200.0, 499],
[1338393600.0, 493],
[1340985600.0, 485],
[1343664000.0, 493],
[1346342400.0, 493],
[1348934400.0, 493],
[1351612800.0, 498],
[1354204800.0, 498],
[1356883200.0, 506],
[1359561600.0, 510],
[1361980800.0, 510],
[1364659200.0, 510],
[1367251200.0, 514],
[1369929600.0, 516],
[1372521600.0, 516],
[1375200000.0, 513],
[1377878400.0, 513],
[1380470400.0, 517],
[1383148800.0, 517]
"var_1": [
[1262188800.0, 300],
[1264867200.0, 300],
[1267286400.0, 300],
[1269964800.0, 292],
[1272556800.0, 284],
[1275235200.0, 284],
[1277827200.0, 277],
[1280505600.0, 277],
[1283184000.0, 270],
[1285776000.0, 275],
[1288454400.0, 271],
[1291046400.0, 280],
[1293724800.0, 280],
[1296403200.0, 289],
[1298822400.0, 289],
[1301500800.0, 289],
[1304092800.0, 290],
[1306771200.0, 300],
[1309363200.0, 300],
[1312041600.0, 300],
[1314720000.0, 300],
[1317312000.0, 290],
[1319990400.0, 284],
[1322582400.0, 292],
[1325260800.0, 292],
[1327939200.0, 288],
[1330444800.0, 298],
[1333123200.0, 298],
[1335715200.0, 299],
[1338393600.0, 293],
[1340985600.0, 285],
[1343664000.0, 293],
[1346342400.0, 293],
[1348934400.0, 293],
[1351612800.0, 298],
[1354204800.0, 298],
[1356883200.0, 306],
[1359561600.0, 310],
[1361980800.0, 310],
[1364659200.0, 310],
[1367251200.0, 314],
[1369929600.0, 316],
[1372521600.0, 316],
[1375200000.0, 313],
[1377878400.0, 313],
[1380470400.0, 317],
[1383148800.0, 317]
Flot is correct, your timestamps are wrong, see the documentation:
The time series support in Flot is based on Javascript timestamps, i.e. everywhere a time value is expected or handed over, a Javascript timestamp number is used. This is a number, not a Date object. A Javascript timestamp is the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC. This is almost the same as Unix timestamps, except it's in milliseconds, so remember to multiply by 1000!