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How to fail CI script in case of command error when using forfiles?

I've the following appveyor.yml file:

- forfiles /m *.mqh /c "mql /s @path"
build: off
platform: x86

which aims to check the syntax (/s) of all source code files found in the current directory.

However despite of compiler errors, the final result is reported as: Build success.

How do I fail the test script by using above approach?

I'm looking something similar to set -e on Linux. The compiler returns 1 error on exit as expected, as it works fine when using with wine on Linux. But the whole build script doesn't fail as expected.


  • AppVeyor happy because whole command return code is 0. I think it's return code is 0 because last iteration was happy. I am not sure how to make it return error in case it least one iteration failed with forfiles, but with PowerShell this should work:

    test_script: - ps: $mqlScriptSuccess = $true - ps: Get-ChildItem | ForEach-Object {if ($_.Name.EndsWith(".mqh")){.\mql /s /mql$env:ver $_.FullName; if(!$?){$mqlScriptSuccess = $?; Write-Warning "mlq error"}}} - ps: if (!$mqlScriptSuccess) {throw "At least one mql test failed"}

    Note that you can also change Get-ChildItem to Get-ChildItem -Recurse to get deeper coverage.