According to Aerospike their previous large data types are deprecated:
However, in the blog posts (also from Aerospike) explaining the replacement capabilities after the ldt's are deprecated it almost seems like these new features are not size restricted. (Which seems rather odd, since that might have been one of the problems and why Aerospike deprecated the old ones. Unless I am misunderstanding something.) "Lists are useful when you are dealing size-bound lists residing in a single bin."
www(dot)aerospike(dot)com/docs/guide/cdt-map(dot)html "Maps in Aerospike are collections of key/value pairs. They are useful when dealing with a size-bound collection residing in a single bin. Aerospike map operations are optimal for manipulating key-value pairs directly on the Aerospike server. For example, add items, remove an item, or get a range of items by value, can all be done without reading and/or replacing the whole bin value."
So is there anyone who knows the answer?
Thank you in advance. :)
(I gave absolutely no one permission to edit my question and I do not approve of it.)
The general record size restriction applies to list and maps. The largest size of a record is the write-block-size, which can be configured, at this point, to 1MB at most.