Search code examples

Building go-pg ORM query for many to many relationship

I've got 3 tables to represent my many to many relationship. customers, companies, companies_customers.

 - id
 - name

 - id
 - username

 - id
 - customer_id
 - company_id

Now the query I want to run is to select all the customers with a company_id of 1. A raw SQL query could/might look something like this:

SELECT * FROM customers c INNER JOIN customers_companies cc ON = cc.customer_id WHERE cc.company_id = 1

I've tried doing something like this in go-pg:

var customers []*Customer

s.DB.Model(&customers).Relation("Companies", func(q *orm.Query) (*orm.Query, error) {
    return q.Where("company_id = ?", companyID), nil


  • In this particular case, you can do some workaround to perform this specific query, I suppose you have theses structures:

    type Company struct {
        TableName struct{} `sql:"companies"`
        ID        int64
        Name      string
        Customers []*Customer `pg:",many2many:companies_customers"`
    type Customer struct {
        TableName struct{} `sql:"customers"`
        ID        int64
        Username  string
        Companies []*Company `pg:",many2many:companies_customers"`

    If you only need to perform the query with the JOIN, you can do

    var customers []*Customer
    err := conn.Model(&customers).Column("customer.*").Join("inner join companies_customers cc on = cc.customer_id").Where("cc.company_id = ?", companyID).Select()
    if err != nil {
        // Error Handler
    } else {
        for _, customer := range customers {
            fmt.Printf("Customer -> id: %d, username:%s \n", customer.ID, customer.Username)

    This generate:

    SELECT "customer".* FROM customers AS "customer" inner join companies_customers cc on = cc.customer_id WHERE (cc.company_id = 1)

    But, you also can do the following:

    var customers []*Customer
    var company Company
    err = conn.Model(&company).Column("Customers").Where(" = ?", companyID).Select()
    if err != nil {
        // error handler
    } else {
        customers = company.Customers
        for _, customer := range company.Customers {
            fmt.Printf("Customer -> id: %d, username:%s \n", customer.ID, customer.Username)

    This code perform two queries:

    SELECT "company"."id", "company"."name" FROM companies AS "company" WHERE ( = 1)
    SELECT companies_customers.*, "customer".* FROM customers AS "customer" JOIN companies_customers ON (companies_customers."company_id") IN ((1)) WHERE ("customer"."id" = companies_customers."customer_id")

    First create a query to fetch the data from company, after that, fetch all the customers for that company.