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Convert struct to matrix MATLAB

Is there a way to convert a struct (2 fields with 52 variables each) to a matrix (2x52)? Thank you


    sym (1x53)
    prob (1x53)

I have tried the following which gives me a 1 x 1 cell array

symProb = reshape({x.sym}, size(53)); 

I have also tried struct2cell which does the same.


  • Probably the easiest thing (since it's only two fields), is to simply concatenate them along the first dimension using cat

    result = cat(1, x.sym, x.prob);

    Or you could just use [] and ;

    result = [x.sym; x.prob]

    If you want a more general solution, you could use struct2array with some reshaping

    result = reshape(struct2array(x), [], numel(x)).';

    Note that all of this assumes that the data within sym and prob are actually the same datatype and therefore able to be placed within the same array, otherwise a cell array is the only way to hold both fields.

    Also your code is yielding a 1 x 1 cell array because you're wrapping your data x.sym inside of a 1 x 1 cell array.