Search code examples

swift 3 fill dictionary programmatically

I fill my parameters for an .post request like the following:

params = ["title":msgTitle.text ?? "",
"hashTags": [["name":"tag1"],["name":"HashTag"]]] as [String : Any]

As you can see hashTags are static. I need help understanding dictionaries. Is there a way to set hashTags via appending them to a dictionary? I want to be able to add multiple "name":"hashtagName" pairs.

Any help is appreciated!


  • Yes you can, for example create the dictionary

    var params: [String : Any] = ["title":msgTitle.text ?? ""]

    then set the value for key hashtags

    params["hashTags"] = [["name":"tag1"],["name":"HashTag"]]

    Or via an array

    var hashtags = [["name":"tag1"]]
    params["hashTags"] = hashtags

    Or the other way round:

    var params: [String : Any] = ["hashTags" : [["name":"tag1"],["name":"HashTag"]]]
    params["title"] = msgTitle.text ?? ""