This is a design issue I came across while working on implementation of Generalized Distributive Law. Suppose you need to automatically generate expressions of the following form
Terms inside the sum, fixed variables and "summed over" variables are automatically generated for each such expression, and "f" functions are defined separately. To generate expression above, I may need to call
and the output of that function will be equivalent to
Representation of f terms could be different, ie f[{1,4},{-1,1}] instead of f14[-1,1]. Also using Integer to refer to each variable is just one design choice.
Can anyone suggest an elegant approach to implementing sumProduct?
Edit 11/11 Janus' solution, rewritten for readability
factors = {{1, 4}, {3, 4}, {3, 4, 5}};
vars = {{1, {-1}}, {3, {9}}, {4, Range[5]}, {5, Range[6]}};
(* list of numbers => list of vars *)
arglist[factor_] := Subscript[x, #] & /@ factor;
(* list of factors => list of functions for those factors *)
terms = Apply[f[#], arglist[#]] & /@ factors;
(* {var,range} pairs for each variable *)
args = {Subscript[x, #1], #2} & @@@ vars;
Sum[Times @@ terms, Sequence @@ args]
I would bunch together the fixed and free variables and specify them all in a list as
Then your sumProduct
can be implemented quite concisely
sumProduct[f_, factors_, vars_] := Module[{x}, Sum[
Times @@ ((Subscript[f, ##] @@ (Subscript[x, #] & /@ {##}) &) @@@ factors),
Sequence @@ ({Subscript[x, #1], #2} & @@@ vars)]]
Which is called as sumProduct[f,factors,variables]
to spit out a long thing:
Subscript[f, 1,4][-1,1] Subscript[f, 3,4][9,1] Subscript[f, 3,4,5][9,1,1]+....
Was this what you were after?