Using Mongo and PHP how does one store a datetime type, and then retrieve by date?
This is what I have for inserting, but it stores the date as a string:
$collection->insertOne(['date_created' => '2017-01-02 17:20:15']);
How should I be sending the date to Mongo to store as a datetime type so I can do the proper finds?
Put an instance of this class into the array:
You need to use the BSON objects in the PHP arrays:
Those get serialized properly before passed to Mongo.
$test = array(
"_id" => 123,
"name" => "This is an example",
"date_created" => new MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime(time() * 1000)
The time() is multiplied by 1000, because the constructor wants the milliseconds elapsed since the unix epoch, and time() returns the seconds elapsed since the unix epoch. See:
UPDATE: To retrive the date/time in ISO format, just convert the UTCDateTime object fist to DateTime:
$date_created = $test["date_created"];
$iso_date = $date_created->toDateTime()->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");