I built the Erlang development environment with IntelliJ and Rebar.
I have modify template code provided by Erlang plugin.
But it does not compile.
"C: \ Program Files \ erl8.2 \ bin \ rebar" "C: \ Program Files \
No command to run specified!
Usage: rebar [-h] [-c] [-v <verbose>] [-q <quiet>] [-V] [-f]
To see a list of built-in commands, execute rebar -c.
[-D <defines>] [-j <jobs>] [-C <config>] [-p] [-k]
Type 'rebar help <CMD1> <CMD2>' for help on specific commands.
rebar allows you to abbreviate the command to run:
:-spec(start(StartType :: normal | {takeover, node()} | {failover, node()},
StartArgs :: term()) ->
{ok, pid()} |
{ok, pid(), State :: term()} |
{error, Reason :: term()}).
start(_StartType, _StartArgs) ->
case 'erlang_sup:':start_link() of
{ok, Pid} ->
io:format("start ok~n"),
{ok, Pid};
Error ->
For now, there is no generic server to generate, so I also commented out the AChild
part and the AChlid
part of the function return.
%% AChild = {'AName', {'AModule', start_link, []},
%% Restart, Shutdown, Type, ['AModule']},
{ok, {SupFlags, [AChild]}}.
werl -pa ./ebin -eval "application:start(erlang)"
The log you are showing says that you have run the command rebar without parameter. To compile your project you should use rebar compile