I want to do a simple REST API for a functionality my webservice will expose.
public class CompaniesController : BaseApiController {
[HttpGet, Route("{companyId:int}")]
public CustomResponse Get(int companyId) { }
public CustomResponse Post(CompanySaveViewModel model) { }
[HttpDelete, Route("{companyId:int}"]
public CustomResponse Delete(int companyId) { }
Ok, this should be working. POST method is working fine. However, when I try to call GET and/or DELETE methods, I got the message below:
I'm trying to call those methods using the given URLs:
http://localhost:11111/api/companies/1 [GET]
http://localhost:11111/api/companies/1 [DELETE]
POST is working fine. When I try to call GET without parameters, it works fine as well. The problem appears when I have any kind of parameter for GET/DELETE methods. What could be the problem here?
Thank you all for the help!
Try adding a route to your POST action:
[HttpPost, Route("")]
public CustomResponse Post(CompanySaveViewModel model) { }
This will ensure consistency in your routing definitions: either you use attribute based routing, or you use the global convention based routing (personally I prefer explicit attribute based routing). I would also recommend you to avoid mixing the two types of routes and remove the convention based route from your config:
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
Also don't forget to enable attribute based routing when bootstrapping:
Here's a nice overview
of attribute based routing that I would recommend you going through.