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Print statement inside method

So I am trying to write make a function that will initialize two points and output previously made methods.

Partial code below:

    class Point(Geometry):
next_id = 0
def __init__(self,x,y,):
    self.x = x
    self.y = y = Point.next_id
    Point.next_id += 1  
def __str__(self):
    return "(%0.2f, %0.2f)" % (self.x, self.y)

def quadrat(self):
        if (self.x > 0 and self.y > 0):
            return "Quad I"
        elif (self.x < 0 and self.y > 0):
            return "Quad II"
        elif (self.x < 0 and self.y < 0):
            return "Quad III"
        elif (self.x > 0 and self.y < 0):
            return "Quad IV"
        elif (self.x == 0 and self.y == 0):
            return "Origin"        
        elif (self.x == 0):
            return "Y-axis"
        elif (self.y == 0):
            return "X-axis"

def distance(p0, p1):
    dist = math.sqrt((p0.x - p1.x)**2 + (p0.y - p1.y)**2)
    return dist

def equality():
        if (self.x == self.y):
            print "True"
            print "False"  

def identify():
        if( ==
            print "True"
            print "False"
def pointTest():
    global P1,P2
    P1 = Point(-3,-3)
    P2 = Point(0,0)
    print "P1) ID =",,", Coordinates=", P1,", Location=",P1.quadrat()
    print "P2) ID =",,", Coordinates=", P2,", Location=",P2.quadrat()
    print "Distance between",P1,"and",P2,"is %0.2f" % (P1.distance(P2))
    print "P1==P2?",P1==P2
    print "P1 same as P2?",    

P1 = None    
P2 = None    
print pointTest()

When my points are defined outside the method and when the print statements are outside the method, my output comes out perfectly.

But I need the points to be initialized in the method and my print statement to be within the method as well.

When I call it, I get the error that pointTest is not defined.

My output needs to look like this:

<<<< print pointTest

Which will give me the answers to my print statements.


  • If you need to initialize your variables in a different method from __init__, then you must either pass them to the initialization method and access their attributes directly:

    def pointTest(p1, p2):
        p1.x = -3
        p1.y = -3 
        p2.x = 0
        p2.y = 0
    p1 = Point()
    p2 = Point()
    pointTest(p1, p2)

    or declare them as global variables, which is generally a bad idea but can be a quick workaround:

    def pointTest():
        global p1, p2
        p1 = Point(-3, -3)
        p2 = Point(0, 0)
    p1 = None
    p2 = None

    In both cases, you can add the call to print inside of the pointTest method.

    Note that in the second case, you don't need to declare p1 and p2 as None, but it's better to make every variable explicit. You don't want your methods to make global variables pop out, that you weren't aware of.

    It seems that in addition, your pointTest method appears as undefined.

    Regarding your original indentation, it seems that your pointTest method is indeed inside of a code block.

    Therefore, the pointTest method is probably declared only in a deeper scope than where you call it, and thus, is not defined. Either put it outside of that block, or put all your consequent prints in that block.