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Debugging crash in small object optimization for type erasure

I'm implementing a class that performs type erasure for small objects and have encountered a segmentation fault which I do not understand.

The following program:

#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

struct small_object
    template<class T>
    small_object(const T& value)
      new(&storage_) concrete<T>(value);


    void print() const
      // XXX crash here

    struct abstract
      virtual ~abstract(){}

      virtual void print() const = 0;

    template<class T>
    struct concrete
      concrete(const T& value) : value_(value) {}

      void print() const
        std::cout << value_ << std::endl;

      T value_;

    abstract& get_abstract()
      return *reinterpret_cast<abstract*>(&storage_);

    const abstract& get_abstract() const
      return *reinterpret_cast<const abstract*>(&storage_);

    typename std::aligned_storage<4 * sizeof(void*)> storage_;

int main()
  small_object object(13);

  // XXX i expect this line to print '13' to the terminal but it crashes

  return 0;

Crashes at the lines indicated by XXX.

I believe the issue is that the virtual call to .print() is not being dynamically dispatched correctly, but I don't understand why.

Can anyone tell what am I missing?


  • You didn't derive concrete<T> from abstract, so no vtable is being created when you construct the object using placement new. Therefore, when you try to invoke the virtual function, it will fail; concrete<T> and abstract are actually completely unrelated types in this example.

    I would recommend using the override keyword if you're using C++11 or newer to allow the compiler to generate an error in cases like this.