I've used the php implementation to add the dropin and it's working. I would like to move the paypal button below the form. Can that be done?
<script src="https://js.braintreegateway.com/js/braintree-2.27.0.min.js"></script>
var checkout = new Demo({
formID: 'payment-form'
var client_token = "<?php echo(Braintree\ClientToken::generate()); ?>";
braintree.setup(client_token, "dropin", {
container: "bt-dropin"
Edit: What I mean is move the button under the credit card number and expiration date fields? Currently the dropin generates a paypal button at the top followed by credit card number field and expiration date field.
Full disclosure: I work at Braintree. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact support.
Since the Drop-in is a form that Braintree renders as one iframe, there's no way to really adjust the individual parts within the Drop-in itself. One thing you can do is drop the PayPal button from the Drop-in and manually add it in below the frame. However, in this instance you would have to have one merchant account with PayPal enabled and one without, so that the Drop-in wouldn't render the button.
Another suggestion would be to use the Hosted Fields integration, so that you can have one merchant account PayPal enabled with a customization option in terms of location of the PayPal button