What's the easiest way to debug Scala code managed by sbt using IntelliJ's built-in debugger? The documentation from "RunningSbt" from sbt's google code site lists commands for running the main class for a project or the tests, but there seem to be no commands for debugging.
Follow-up question: what's the easiest way to attach IntelliJ's debugger to Jetty when using sbt's jetty-run command?
For ordinary debugging in IntelliJ, you can use an Application run/debug configuration in the usual way, regardless of whether you're using sbt to compile your code.
To connect to your application running in Jetty, you'll need to create a Remote debug configuration. When you do so, IntelliJ will give you a set of command line arguments for running the remote JVM -- something like
-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005
Launch sbt with these arguments and then execute jetty-run
. Finally, launch your remote debug configuration in IntelliJ. This thread might be useful.