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Rails vendor plugin failure in production environment

I expect this to be a n00b problem.

I'm attempting to use heroku with my rails app. Everything works fine in development (local machine), but when I push to heroku I get the following:

==> dyno-1931938.log (crash) <==
/home/slugs/258915_4fd8878_0dbe-1413ed77-735c-469d-924e-619b28cdcbac/mnt/.bundle/gems/ruby/1.8/gems/activerecord-3.0.0/lib/active_record/base.rb:1016:in `method_missing': undefined local variable or method `acts_as_paranoid' for #<Class:0x2b469869b658> (NameError)
    from /disk1/home/slugs/258915_4fd8878_0dbe-1413ed77-735c-469d-924e-619b28cdcbac/mnt/app/models/my_model.rb:17

lines 16 and 17 of my_model.rb are:

class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base

'acts_as_paranoid' is a vendor plugin that was installed locally via:

$git clone

What am I doing wrong that heroku is ignoring the plugin?

UPDATE: I cloned the repo from heroku, and the directory for the plugin exists, but is empty. My other plugins (i.e. ssl_requirement) have the expect lib/ and init.rb. Obviously the code needs to be there to work. What now?


  • It turns out vendor/plugins/my_plugin_directory had fallen out of the git tree. I resolved the problem by:

    $cd rails_root_directory
    $git fsck
    $git rm --cached vendor/plugins/my_plugin_directory
    $git add vendor/plugins/my_plugin_directory/*
    $git commit -am "my_plugin added to repository"
    $git push heroku master

    and all is right now.