My HTML code is following which contains md-slider
<body ng-app="ABC">
<div class="ctrl" ng-controller="mainCtrl">
<md-slider ng-model="threshold" md-discrete min="1" max="100" aria-label="threshold"></md-slider>
This is my controller:
angular.module("ABC", ["ngMaterial"])
.controller("mainCtrl", function ($scope) {
$scope.threshold = localStorage.getItem("myExtThreshold");
When I slide the slider using mouse, threshold
is updated in controller. However when I change threshold
in controller, the slider position doesn't change. For example, if I change threshold
value from 20 to 60, and I use console.log($scope.threshold)
the value shown will be 60 but the md-slider
remain at 20.
returns valid numeric value.
Try this in the controller. Of course nothing wrong with your code. just making the return value to be a number
$scope.threshold = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("myExtThreshold"))