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How to check if a fence key is registered for Awareness API?

I have 2 questions about Googles Awareness Fences API:

  1. Do we have a method to check if a fence with a given fence key is registered?
  2. What will happen if I accidentally register 2 fences with the same fence key ?


    1. To check if a fence is registered, make a FenceQueryRequest and check if FenceStateMap contains the fence key.

    Here is example code:

    protected void queryFence(final String fenceKey) {
                .setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<FenceQueryResult>() {
                    public void onResult(@NonNull FenceQueryResult fenceQueryResult) {
                        if (!fenceQueryResult.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
                            Log.e(TAG, "Could not query fence: " + fenceKey);
                        FenceStateMap map = fenceQueryResult.getFenceStateMap();
                        if (!map.getFenceKeys().contains(fenceKey)) {
                          // Fence is not registered. 
    1. If you register 2 fences with the same fence key, the second fence will replace the first fence. See the FenceUpdateRequest documentation.