I am using ghost blog integrated with my website as www.domainXX.com/blog.
I want to display few important/recent blog on my website's home page.Is there any way I can do that except writing short description code of your blog manually and then give link to your blog using html/css.
I checked this website "https://www.nerdwallet.com/" and they are using the same concept under "must reads by our expert" section.
Yes, you can do that with Ghost API. You can write a JavaScript widget that fetches your recent posts with ajax.
ghost.url.api('posts', {
limit: 2,
include: 'count.posts',
order: 'count.posts DESC'
).done(function (data) {
console.log('Success!', data);
FYI ghost.url.api() might not be on your home website so you need reference it from your blog https://www.nerdwallet.com/blog/shared/ghost-url.min.js
Alternative solution would be to generate embedded RSS widget pointed to your blog. https://feed.mikle.com/