I'm trying to define a function with optional parameters and each optional also has a default if it is not passed in. but i cannot get it to compile, and cannot find anything on the web to suggest something that will work.
here is what i have
defn test-optional-default-params [manA manB manC & [optA optB optC optD optE]
:or {[optA optAdef
optB optBdef
optC optCdef
optD optDdef
optE optEdef]}]
(prn (str "manB->" manB ", mnC->" manC ", optA->" optA ", optB->" optB ", optC->" optC ", optD->" optD ", optE->" optE)))
You can use
(defn f [a b & {:keys [c d e] :or {c defaultc d defaultd e defaulte}}]
But you will have to do
(f 1 2 :c 3 :d 4 :e 5)
So you can maybe do something like this (I tried with a basic function : addition) :
(defn add-rest* [c d e]
(+ c d e))
(def add-rest*
(fnil add-rest* 0 0 0))
(defn add
[a b & [c d e]]
(+ a b (add-rest c d e)))
(add 1 1) ;; 2
(add 1 1 1) ;; 3
(add 1 1 1 1) ;; 4