I'm trying integrate Uber into my app
Use this code to add uber login button:
uberScopes = [.History, .Profile, .HistoryLite, .Places, .RideWidgets, .AllTrips, .Request, .RequestReceipt]
uberLoginManager = LoginManager(loginType: .Native)
let loginButton = LoginButton(frame: CGRectZero, scopes: uberScopes!, loginManager: uberLoginManager)
loginButton.presentingViewController = self
loginButton.delegate = self
loginButton.frame = logoutBgView.bounds
loginButton.autoresizingMask =
[.FlexibleWidth, .FlexibleHeight]
and delegate
func loginButton(button: LoginButton, didLogoutWithSuccess success: Bool) {
if success {
func loginButton(button: LoginButton, didCompleteLoginWithToken accessToken: AccessToken?, error: NSError?) {
if let _ = accessToken {
showMessage("Saved access token!")
} else if let error = error {
} else {
Code not working for native type login in app. When i tap on "Sign in" redirect to safari then app store (i have uber app installed) and not go to uber app to allow or deny scopes that i need. I was set redirect URI, client ID, display name, server token.
Someone can help me?
EDIT1: Log error:
2016-12-28 17:47:40.383 RexpenseSandbox[40681:530203] -canOpenURL: failed for URL: "uberauth://connect?third_party_app_name=xxxxxxxxxx &callback_uri_string=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&client_id=kEA5TjaXpT7QeicsvWLIYS-L3eWBpVZq&login_type=default&scope=history%20profile%20history_lite%20places%20ride_widgets%20all_trips%20request%20request_receipt&sdk=ios&sdk_version=0.6.0" - error: "(null)"
EDIT2 - I'm testing a build at Testflight. When i tap on sign in button open uber but isn't appear OAuth only open safari with RedirectURI
Based on that error, it looks like you didn't add the necessary url schemes to your info.plist
's Application Query Schemes. Make sure you have the following in your info.plist
You can read the tutorial for configuring the SDK for some more info