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Web Api How to add a Header parameter for all API in Swagger

I searched for possible ways to add a request header parameter that would be added automatically to every method in my web-api but I couldn't find a clear one.

While searching I found that the method OperationFilter() has something to do with it.


  • Yes you can do it via inheriting from IOperationFilter

    You can find the answer on GitHub here: AddRequiredHeaderParameter

    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApiExplorer;
    using Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger;
    using Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen;
    public class AddRequiredHeaderParameter : IOperationFilter
        public void Apply(Operation operation, OperationFilterContext context)
            if (operation.Parameters == null)
                operation.Parameters = new List<IParameter>();
            operation.Parameters.Add(new NonBodyParameter
                    Name = "X-User-Token",
                    In = "header",
                    Type = "string",
                    Required = false

    Then you go to your SwaggerConfig.cs file and add the following in the AddSwaggerGen section:


    Rebuild, and enjoy.