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How to access an attribute of a LEFT JOIN on a ManyToMany relation?

I have three entities linked with various relations :

tours (ManyToMany with Tour)
shows (OneToMany with Show)

bands (ManyToMany with Band)
$shows(OneToMany with Show)

band(ManyToOne with Band, nullable)
tour(ManyToOne with Tour, nullable)

I can set up Show for Band (then show_tour is NULL) and also Show for Tour (then show_band is NULL).

Now, I'd like to get all Show for a given Band. My DQL is like this :

public function findAllShowsToComeFor($band)
    $date = new \DateTime('now');
    return $this->createQueryBuilder('s')
        ->leftJoin('', 'band')
        ->where(' = :bid')
        ->setParameter('bid', $band->getId())
        ->leftJoin('s.tour', 'tour')
        ->where('tour.bands = :tid')
        ->setParameter('tid', $band->getId())
        ->andWhere(' >= :date')
        ->setParameter('date', $date->format('Y-m-d'))
        ->orderBy('', 'ASC')

Of course, this raises a Syntax Error ([Semantical Error] line 0, col 92 near 'bands = :tid': Error: Invalid PathExpression. StateFieldPathExpression or SingleValuedAssociationField expected.), because of these lines :

->leftJoin('s.tour', 'tour')
->where('tour.bands = :tid')
->setParameter('tid', $band->getId())

I would need to do something like :

->leftJoin('s.tour', 'tour')
->where(' IN :tid')
->setParameter('tid', $band->getId())

but this is not possible...

Can anyone help?


  • There is MEMBER OF, I believe you want something like this:

            ->leftJoin('s.tour', 'tour')
            ->where(' = :band OR :band MEMBER OF tour.bands')
            ->setParameter('band', $band)
            ->andWhere(' >= :date')
            ->setParameter('date', $date->format('Y-m-d'))
            ->orderBy('', 'ASC')