I am trying to convert the following columns to epoch to prepare for machine learning the rest of my csv contains strings so I am assuming this is the best way to go, i tried to create a numpy array and transform it using datetime , etc but this did not work i have 4 columns i am trying to transform from dd/mm/yyyy to epoch ? I have tried this method
epoch_time = (1/2/2017 - datetime(1/1/1970)).total_seconds()
but i have 4 columns and i want to convert all of them thanks so much
state object
car_model object
car_make object
car_year float64
drive_date object
id int64
register_date datetime64[ns]
profile_date object
add_profile_date object
dtype: object
id: 23432 state:ohio car_model:ford car_make:fusion car_year:2016 drive_date:1/1/2017 register_date:12/25/2016 profile_date:12/25/2016 add_profile_date: 12/25/2016
Try this:
Source DF:
In [173]: df
id state car_model car_make car_year drive_date register_date profile_date add_profile_date
0 23432 ohio ford fusion 2016 1/1/2017 2016-12-25 12/25/2016 12/25/2016
In [174]: df.dtypes
id int64
state object
car_model object
car_make object
car_year int64
drive_date object
register_date datetime64[ns]
profile_date object
add_profile_date object
dtype: object
let's select date
In [175]: date_cols = df.columns[df.columns.str.contains('_date')]
In [176]: date_cols
Out[176]: Index(['drive_date', 'register_date', 'profile_date', 'add_profile_date'], dtype='object')
first convert "string" dates to Pandas datetime, then convert it to UNIX epoch
In [177]: for col in date_cols:
...: if df.dtypes.loc[col] == 'object':
...: df[col] = pd.to_datetime(df[col])
...: df[col] = df[col].astype(np.int64) // 10**9
In [178]: df
id state car_model car_make car_year drive_date register_date profile_date add_profile_date
0 23432 ohio ford fusion 2016 1483228800 1482624000 1482624000 1482624000
In [179]: df.dtypes
id int64
state object
car_model object
car_make object
car_year int64
drive_date int64
register_date int64
profile_date int64
add_profile_date int64
dtype: object