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Native C++ passing IIterable to WinRT

I have a Win32 app that is using WRL (Windows Runtime Template Library) to access the WinRT API.

How do I go about calling a function that takes an IIterable from native C++? My issue is obtaining something that implements IIterable or IVector.

As a concrete example, suppose I wanted to call SetDefaultMenuItems in Include\10.0.14393.0\winrt\windows.ui.input.h:

namespace ABI {
namespace Windows {
namespace UI {
namespace Input {

    IRadialControllerConfiguration : public IInspectable
            virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetDefaultMenuItems( 
            /* [in] */ __RPC__in_opt __FIIterable_1_Windows__CUI__CInput__CRadialControllerSystemMenuItemKind *buttons) = 0;
        // ...

There doesn't seem to be a stock implementation of IIterable or IVector for native C++.


  • I ended up using cppwinrt to do what I wanted. With this, I was able to pass vanilla std containers, etc. to WinRT.