I have an iPhone app that I developed with Xamarin and am publishing on HockeyApp. Whenever I put a new version of the app on HockeyApp and someone updates their current installation on their phone, they lose the saved data. Is there any way to prevent this?
I have an entitlement that let's me share the data with my widget too. Could that be the problem? This is how I'm writing/reading the data:
this.nsUserDefaults = new NSUserDefaults("myGroupId", NSUserDefaultsType.SuiteName);
// Write data:
this.nsUserDefaults.SetString("myValue", "myKey");
// Read data:
string myValue = this.nsUserDefaults.StringForKey("myKey");
After changing the above code to the following, it now persists saved data after updating:
// Write data:
NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults.SetString("myValue", "myKey");
// Read data:
string myValue = NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults.StringForKey("myKey");
But now I won't be able to share data with my widget...how can I solve this while still being able to share the data with my widget?
If you try to read the data before calling this.nsUserDefaults.Synchronize();, you won't get the data.
So if you do:
this.nsUserDefaults = new NSUserDefaults("myGroupId", NSUserDefaultsType.SuiteName);
// Read data:
string myValue = this.nsUserDefaults.StringForKey("myKey");
You won't get the data. But if you call the Synchronize() method before the read you will get the data:
this.nsUserDefaults = new NSUserDefaults("myGroupId", NSUserDefaultsType.SuiteName);
// Read data:
string myValue = this.nsUserDefaults.StringForKey("myKey");