I have 4 tablix in my ssrs report (WTD/MTD/QTD/YTD), i have created a parameter to select between these 4 tablix, can any one please let me know expression for hiding the tablix based upon the selection from the parameter, WTD should be default and if i select mtd, qtd and ytd should be hidden.
Thanks in advance
Within the Tablix, under Visibility you will 3 options "Show, Hide, Show or Hide based on an expression". Please ensure you select "Show or hide based on an expression".
For example in order to display WTD when WTD is selected it would be Your expression should be the following:
Parameters!ParameterName.Value <> 'WTD'
Then this table will be hidden when the value is not WTD.
Similarly in order to display MTD Your expression should be the following:
Parameters!ParameterName.Value <> 'MTD'
By default, within SSRS you only add Hidden expression.
Hope this helps.