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How to join array of optional integers to string?

Given [Int?], need to build string from it.

This code snippet works

    let optionalInt1: Int? = 1
    let optionalInt2: Int? = nil

    let unwrappedStrings = [optionalInt1, optionalInt2].flatMap({ $0 }).map({ String($0) })
    let string = unwrappedStrings.joined(separator: ",")

But I don't like flatMap followed by map. Is there any better solution?


  • Here's another approach:

    [optionalInt1, optionalInt2].flatMap { $0 == nil ? nil : String($0!) }

    Edit: You probably shouldn't do this. These approaches are better, to avoid the !

    [optionalInt1, optionalInt2].flatMap {
        guard let num = $0 else { return nil }
        return String(num)


    [optionalInt1, optionalInt2].flatMap { $ }