I am struggling to find a solution to my problem.
I designed several UserForms and wrote many functions in a Workbook, and I added a new toolbar with buttons that call those functions.
Now what I want is to save this Workbook as an add-in so that when I add the add-in on another PC the toolbars appear.
But the toolbars does not appear. I could save the Workbook as an add-in with all the functions and the UserForms, but I couldn't get the toolbar.
Any suggestions?
By no means a solution, but maybe the following provides a starting point:
From what you say I assume you managed
Check if your final *.xlam
still has the toolbar the toolbar in it when you deploy it:
. (There is no need to rename it if you're using a file archiver like 7-zip)\customUI\customUI.xml
should roughly resemble the following. Example XML:
<tab idQ="shared:tabControls" label="AddIn_Beispiele" >
<group id="grpA" label="Buttons">
<button id="buttonA" label="Button_large" image="bunny2" onAction="buttonA_Click" size="large"/>
Note that Excel won't show the ribbon if there are even minor errors in it. For testing, exclude anything that could result in an error, then re-introduce your ribbon controls step by step. If found the following the most common:
Off-topic: if you plan to deploy the file across numerous PCs, a simple macro like the following could work for you:
Sub InstallAddIn()
On Error GoTo skpError
Dim path as String
path = "L:\SQL_AddIn\SQL_AddIn_V1.0.xlam"
name = "SQL_AddIn_V1.0"
' Copy the file
With New FileSystemObject
.CopyFile _
path _
, "C:\Users\" & Environ("USERNAME") & "\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns\"
End With
' Add-In Aktivieren
AddIns(name).Installed = True
MsgBox ws1.Cells(1, 2).Value & " installiert.", vbInformation
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Fehler #" & Err & vbNewLine & Error
End Sub