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Validate varchar datatype value to format HH:MM

I have a column test_mac with data type varchar.

For eg following values will be there in that column :

create table test_mac
     time_in varchar(200)

insert into test_mac values ('23:15')
insert into test_mac values ('23:1')
insert into test_mac values ('23:12')
insert into test_mac values ('sdfdsfs')
insert into test_mac values ('23/15')
insert into test_mac values ('2315')
insert into test_mac values ('2:15')
insert into test_mac values ('23:')

I am doing this currently :

select * 
from test_mac   
where time_in LIKE '%[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-59]'
   and ISDATE(time_in) = 1

Expected result I require is:


should be valid times. If there are value as 23:1 I have to update them to 23:10 or for 2:15 to 02:15,


Above is just an creation of test data.Have got to apply some where to just input valid time


  • If a beautiful solution isn't what you're looking for, here's a slightly long-winded hacky solution I wrote quickly to do the job, it's been lightly tested and works on your sample data:

    CREATE TABLE #test_mac
          time_in VARCHAR(200) ,
          formatted VARCHAR(10)
    INSERT  INTO #test_mac
    VALUES  ( '23:15', NULL ),
            ( '23:1', NULL ),
            ( '23:12', NULL ),
            ( 'sdfdsfs', NULL ),
            ( '23/15', NULL ),
            ( '2315', NULL ),
            ( '2:15', NULL ),
            ( '23:', NULL );
    UPDATE  #test_mac
    SET     formatted = CASE WHEN LEN(SUBSTRING(time_in, 0,
                                                CHARINDEX(':', time_in))) = 2
                             THEN SUBSTRING(time_in, 0, CHARINDEX(':', time_in))
                             ELSE '0' + SUBSTRING(time_in, 0,
                                                  CHARINDEX(':', time_in))
                        END + ':'
            + CASE WHEN LEN(SUBSTRING(time_in, CHARINDEX(':', time_in) + 1, 2)) = 2
                   THEN SUBSTRING(time_in, CHARINDEX(':', time_in) + 1, 2)
                   ELSE SUBSTRING(time_in, CHARINDEX(':', time_in) + 1, 1) + '0'
    WHERE   time_in LIKE '%[0-9]:[0-5]%' -- looks for a single digit before & after
            AND LEN(time_in) <= 5; -- length must be 5 characters or less
    SELECT  *
    FROM    #test_mac
    WHERE   formatted IS NOT NULL;
    DROP TABLE #test_mac;