I have a number of lat/lng coordinates that I would like to show 3D images for.
Google Earth API seems to have been closed, so does anyone know if another API I can use?
The coordinates I have are for cities all over the world.
If want to display data on a 3D globe then CesiumJS is your best alternative to Google Earth API. Cesium is an open-source geospatial visualization JavaScript library for creating web-based 3D globe applications. It requires no browser plugins and is cross-platform and cross-device. Cesium uses WebGL for graphic rendering which has been adopted by all major web browsers.
See the online demos to get a sense of what it can do:
There is an online "Sandcastle" application that has a gallery of code examples and runs the code in the web-browser. You can also change the code on-the-fly and re-run with your changes to test out using the Cesium API.
If you have experience using Google Earth API then there are a number of tutorials and examples showing how to migrate to Cesium: