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Dynamically Populate VBA Array

In the example syntax below, how can I add each element to a new array instead of printing? I am unsure how to do such as I would not know the size of the array, since it could be 0 (no need to ever initialize the array) or it could be the Ubound of the array it is iterating.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Function TestIt()
Dim animalarray As Variant, xyz As Variant
animalarray = Array("Cat", "Cow", "Camel", "Dire Wolf", "Dog", "Coyote", "Rabbit", "Road runner", "Cougar")

For Each xyz In animalarray
  If Left(CStr(xyz), 1) = "C" Then
    Debug.Print CStr(xyz)
  End If

End Function


  • You can use Redim Preserve:

    Sub TestIt()
        Dim animalArray(): animalArray = Array("Cat", "Cow", "Camel", "Dire Wolf", "Dog", "Coyote", "Rabbit", "Road runner", "Cougar")
        Dim anotherArray(): anotherArray = Array("Lion", "Tiger", "Leopard")
        Dim xyz As Variant
        For Each xyz In animalArray
          If Left(CStr(xyz), 1) = "C" Then
            ReDim Preserve anotherArray(UBound(anotherArray) + 1)
            anotherArray(UBound(anotherArray)) = xyz
          End If
        For Each xyz In anotherArray
            Debug.Print xyz
    End Sub